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Arte Preescolar y Familiar 

En este programa, invitamos a niños de 3 a 6 años a hacer arte. En esta clase de arte continua basada en el juego, nos enfocamos en la socialización, la conexión, el aprendizaje sensorial y el fomento de la imaginación. 

En este programa, invitamos a niños de 3 a 6 años a hacer arte. En esta clase de arte continua basada en el juego, nos enfocamos en la socialización, la conexión, el aprendizaje sensorial y el fomento de la imaginación. 

Get to know Grand Rapids artist Two Eagles Marcus

"Storytelling through art is something that has gone on since day one," says  Two Eagles Marcus, a multidisciplinary artist based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  

This short film brings us into Two Eagles Marcus' work and artistic practice, as he shares his inspirations, material choices, and sharing wisdom about the business of art.  

Directing and Editing: Carbon Stories

Free Art Magazines and Lesson Plans 

Cultivate is proud to offer a unique set of art magazines and lesson plans developed in partnership with ArtPrize. These resources are designed to illuminate the art and artists featured in ArtPrize during various years, providing an enriching educational experience. Free of charge, these publications serve as a testament to our commitment to making art education accessible and meaningful.


We believe that understanding the context and creators behind art pieces enhances the overall experience and fosters a deeper appreciation of the arts. 

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Art Scavenger Hunts and Worksheets

Designed for all ages, these free art worksheets and scavenger hunts provide an array of valuable opportunities for discovery and learning. From deciphering the visual language of a painting to uncovering the historical context of a type of art, our worksheets guide participants through focused, educational inquiries.


Our scavenger hunts are designed to encourage exploration and curiosity, offering clues that guide visitors through the gallery spaces and the world around them while prompting them to engage deeply with the art they encounter. The value in offering these resources lies in the enriched, educational experience they provide, making each visit to Cultivate not just enjoyable, but intellectually stimulating.


These tools are catalysts for meaningful dialogue and understanding, enhancing the visitor's interaction with art.

Artist Video Interviews

Cultivate is proud to present a curated series of artist videos that delve into the worlds of five local Grand Rapids artists. These interviews allow viewers to explore the artists' inspirations, challenges, and how they navigate life in the creative sphere.


By offering intimate glimpses into their artistic journeys, we aim to foster a greater understanding and appreciation for the creative process. The value of these videos lies in their ability to inspire, educate, and foster community.


Whether you are an emerging artist seeking guidance, a seasoned artist in search of camaraderie, or an art educator sharing these artists with your class, these videos offer a multi-dimensional look at artistry in our local community.

Featured Artist Article Interviews

Cultivate's Featured Artist Series is a highly curated platform that elevates discourse around contemporary art by presenting in-depth interviews with artists on a local, regional, and national scale. Released bi-annually following a rigorous selection process by a distinguished juror, the series provides an intellectual and visual feast that delves into an artist's work, inspirations, struggles, and processes, along with invaluable advice for emerging artists.

From an art education perspective, the Featured Artist Series serves as an unparalleled resource for both educators and students alike.


These rich interviews act as case studies that offer students a tangible link between theory and practice, enabling a real-world understanding of artistic methods, motivations, and challenges. The diversity of voices featured ensures a broad spectrum of artistic philosophies and practices are represented, thereby aiding educators in fostering critical thinking, dialogue, and a more nuanced understanding of contemporary art. Overall, the value of this series is manifold: it enriches educational curricula, serves as a catalyst for meaningful discussion, and inspires the next generation of artists.


Articles on Types of Art and Art Forms

Cultivate's "Learn More" series is a meticulously crafted collection of articles designed to expand your understanding of the many facets of contemporary art. Covering a range of topics from various art forms and styles to insightful examinations of the art world, the series serves as an indispensable resource for art educators, students, and enthusiasts alike.

From an educational standpoint, the "Learn More" series offers immense value by providing well-researched, accessible content that can be directly integrated into curricula. For students, these articles demystify complex topics and offer a foundation for further exploration and discussion. They serve as a springboard for critical thinking, offering a context within which students can analyze, compare, and critique different artistic styles and forms.


The comprehensive nature of the series encourages interdisciplinary learning, from history and social studies to literature, enhancing the educational journey by linking art to a wider array of academic subjects. Overall, the "Learn More" series is an invaluable tool for deepening one's knowledge of the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art.

Simply click on an article to read it, or visit our artist resource center for a complete list.

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Cultivate Conversations:
Art and Education Discourse

Read the Cultivate Arts Publication

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